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New Minerals Act and Underexplored Mineralized Areas means a great First Mover Opportunity

  • Annamite Resources has built its business model around being a project developer.

  • Our approach is to find large and/or high-grade projects to justify significant investment in Laos, and we are already on a path to achieving this:
    o    Epithermal Au-Ag vein/stockwork zones
    o    Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo systems and associated skarn 

  • Our business team is working on legal due diligence, conducted in parallel with technical work, to negotiate favourable Joint Ventures through local contacts.

  • Our current focus is now on north-western Laos (Loei Fold Belt) as this is both particularly prospective and underexplored. 

  • We have reviewed a large number of projects (over 25) and have negotiated 2 joint venture agreements on the best of them. A third one is under discussion.

​Looking for a Reliable Partner?

  • If you have a mineral exploration project in Laos that needs investment of capital, skills or technology to advance development, we want to work with you.

  • We assess all projects brought to us with technical and legal due diligence. If your project meets our criteria we will make our best efforts to negotiate a joint venture that allows us to unlock the value in the project and share that value fairly between the investors, the tenement holders and the our team.

  • In general the projects we are seeking will have the following items:

    • Granted tenure in good standing.

    • Clear, documented ownership of the tenure that is not in dispute.

    • Some historical exploration data to outline the type and size of mineral deposit.

Check out details on the Annamite Offer here!

Annamite Offer

Annamite Resources in Laos Exploration for Gold, Silver and Copper Minerals (Mining Companies in Laos) Mining Company in Singapore Mining in Laos, Investment Opportunity in Singapore, Investment Opportunity in Laos, Investment Opportunities in Singapore, Investment Opportunities in Laos


Portfolio Growth

  • Our flagship project is the Sokdee Project, which includes the Star Cu-Au porphyry prospect northwest of Vientiane. With appropriate exploration Star holds potential for a large, low-medium grade deposit with district and regional upside. Full due diligence has been conducted on the Star porphyry.


  • We also see additional targets inside and around Sokdee, the district and regional upside potential includes additional porphyry centres in andesite and also skarn/carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) styles in Carbo-Permian limestone in contact with younger intrusions.


  • With the consolidation of licenses and proper modern exploration, the Sakai area representants a significant gold and silver resource that can be moved quickly to mining. Tenement holders lack a comprehensive plan for rapidly developing any short-term resources that are discovered and for assessing the full resource potential of their license areas. Annamite can help move these projects to the next steps. Annamite is negotiating partnerships with the additional Sakai licensees to move these projects to the next steps.

Annamite Resources in Laos Exploration for Gold, Silver and Copper Minerals (Mining Companies in Laos) Mining Company in Singapore Mining in Laos, Investment Opportunity in Singapore, Investment Opportunity in Laos, Investment Opportunities in Singapore, Investment Opportunities in Laos


Annamite Resources in Laos Exploration for Gold, Silver and Copper Minerals (Mining Companies in Laos) Mining Company in Singapore Mining in Laos, Investment Opportunity in Singapore, Investment Opportunity in Laos, Investment Opportunities in Singapore, Investment Opportunities in Laos

Sakai East

Annamite’s “Sakai East” project is situated about 41km northwest of Vientiane, in Sangthong District. In parallel with ongoing exploration over the entire area of the feasibility licence, Annamite aims to determine the residual value in the Sakai East pits. The underlying material is considered to still contain considerable gold and silver, able to be extracted by modern crushing and milling.


Initial work in June and July was focused on collation of soil geochemical results, preparation for the drilling and 10m grid sampling of leach pad/stockpiles to ascertain a residual grade range. Initial drilling (Six drill hole for a total of 339m) in August-September 2020 at Sakai East has shown that high grades are possible, with strong gold-silver-arsenic-lead-zinc association within mineralized envelopes up to six metres in width (downhole).  
Annamite is in advanced discussions with another company nearby who owns a mining license. Two other local companies are also exploring in this area, with the potential for consolidation.  


For more information please check out the Sakai East Summary below

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