Chairman of the Board
Christopher, minerals financier & economist, ran business development for natural resources for the IFC (International Finance Corporation) out of London office from 2006-2010, IFC is private sector arm of the World Bank Group, and is a major private sector investor in mining in emerging markets. Earlier he led IFC mining transactions in Africa, Russia, Central Asia and and Latin America. Prior, he advised African governments in natural resource policy and, negotiations in Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique and Swaziland. From 2010—2017 he was on the board of and latterly Non Executive Chairman of Triple Plate Junction, now Tethyan Resources, which was listed on AIM in London.
APRIL 2021
The Vangma tenement is an exploration licence issued to DDC in April 2021 for five years that covers 148
MARCH 2024
A JV Agreement was signed on 29 March 2024 between Annamite and DDC. It has excellent infrastructure as with Sokdee. There is potential for Cu-Au-Mo porphyries, orogenic Au (source for alluvial Au) and VMS.
Initial soil geochemistry survey and geological mapping has ben underway since early April.